Life Empowerment Coaching Live Your Dreams

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Is Coaching Right For Me?

Use this short quiz to help you determine if coaching is right for you at this time. 

Give Yourself a Score for Each of the Statements Below: 5 being the Most True and 1 Being the Least True:
  1. I have a vision of what I want to achieve. 
  2. I know that I want something different from what I have now.
  3. I can identify a gap between where I am now and where I want to be in the future.
  4. I am willing to experiment with new ideas and new ways of approaching problems.
  5. I can identify two or three things that I would like to change in my life. 
  6. I am willing to invest time and money into my personal development. 
  7. I am willing to enlist the support of others who care about me to speed my progress.
  8. I am ready to have someone in my corner who will help me achieve what I want from life. 
  9. I am committed to learning as much as I can from each opportunity that is presented to me. 
  10. This is the right time for me to work with a Coach.

Score 40 - 50 Very Coachable - ask your coach to demand alot from you.

Score 30-40 Coachable - with a coach you will make amazing progress.

Score 20-30 Coachable - strong ground rules will help you easily  move forward. 

Score 10-20 This may not be the time for you to be coached. 

Life Empowerment Coaching ** Live Your Dreams
Contact us today to see how!